Have you ever wished you could simplify the most difficult and time-consuming aspects of the claims process?
Perhaps your team have grappled with processing large documents, extracting key data, or calculating complex claims? If you’ve ever wanted to scale up but have felt constrained by your current processes, then you need LAWTEC.AI.
In the beginning, we were a group of UK based litigation lawyers looking to expand our service areas and scale our business operations. However, our ambitious growth plans were limited by our existing case management system and manual processes. Using what we, and the rest of the legal profession, have always used we found ourselves trying to shoehorn new case types into a dated system that put simply, didn’t work for us.
So, what did we do?
Initially, we talked. We talked a lot about what we wanted and what we wanted was heavily automated, completely streamlined, software solution that used the latest technology to do all the heavy lifting for us – scanning our documents, extracting the pertinent information and calculating the claims for us.
Easy right? Not quite. In truth, we spent a long time trialling different products, with mixed success. None of the options available on the market provided the comprehensive solution we were after. And so, not satisfied with doing things the way we’d always done them, LAWTEC.AI was born.